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We need Contact information on the following Classmates.  These names were gathered using the information in our Senior Yearbook.  If you can help, please go to the Contact Us page and give us what you know.

updated 08-09-2022


James Arnold
Deborah Baggett
James Barker
Suzanne Bassinger
Lele Bishop
Earl Black
Debbie Blanchard
Diane Booker
Sarah Bowler
Jan Broussard
Susan Broussard
Jim Brown
Willie Brown
John Burgess
Mary Campos
James Cassiday 
Travis Charles
Dorothy Choice
Connie Clark 
Cindi Cox
Teresa Currier
Sandra Davis
Johnny Dearing
Dirk Domas
Roger Downing 
Angelia Dupree
Mark Dupree
Marsha Dykes
Robert Ertl
Lynn Finney
Debbie Flippen 
Henry Fontenot
James Ford
Joe Fulford
Charles Gant
Don Garner
Deloise Garrett
Regina Gibbs
Shirley Grevenberg
Susan Grubb
Don Haley
Mark Hall
James Harkness
Rachel Harper
Jerry Hart
Kathy Hart
Leonard Hasley
Henry Hines
Margaret Hoard
Lisa Hoffpauier
Patty Holbrooks
Joan Humphries 
Lubra Hunter
Larry Johnson
Garry Johnston
Gary Jones
Wenonah Jones
Dwayne Joubert
Phyllis Karasik
Rondy Kindle
Lillian Kirklin
Dorothy Koehne
Juanita LeFluer
Mary Ann Lesmeister
Charlesetta Lewis
Henrietta Lewis
Carolyn Lindsey
Janet Long
Doris Manuel
Rusty Marks
Rebble Martin
Ricky McCary
Mike McKenna
Regina Mims
Kay Mohn
Cheryl Mouton
Sandra Mouton
Iwona Parker
Rosemary Peck
Marva Platt
Mark Procell
Kirby Read
John Reynolds
Peter Rhines
Pearlie Richard
Virginia Richards 
Bill Rinehart
Tony Robertson
Thelma Robinson
Ricky Romero
Geri Ryan
Goldis Salter
Bill Sargent
Bobby Scott
Vicki Sherman
Karen Simonton
Sandra Simpson 
Darlene Smith
Margie Smith
Nancy Snelson
Dorrance Solomon
Clarence Sparks
Ann Stuntz
Sandra Thompson 
Cindy Trahan
Nat Traylor
Mary Jane Wade
Alfred Wingate
Jackie Young